Embracing Monsoon Vibes in 100% Cotton
Monsoon season is upon us, and here we are, almost slaying in our 100% cotton outfits-perfect for this humid weather. It's time we rethink how we talk about our weather. While climate change undeniably impacts our weather, our constant complaints might stem from something deeper-our colonial past.
Growing up, our schools bombard us with Western literature, shaping our weather expectations based on distant lands. We've internalized this, becoming disconnected from the rich symbolism of weather in our indigenous literature. Instead of appreciating the beauty of our own seasons, we've become irritated by them.
But if we start to unlearn these biases and embrace traditional wisdom, we might just rediscover the joy in our local climate. The subcontinent, with its unique rhythms, still offers an enjoyable weather experience-especially when we dress right.
Nowadays, it's rare to find 100% cotton fabrics, and that's a problem. Blended fabrics are not only uncomfortable in the monsoon; they're also a major contributor to landfill waste. Unlike cotton, blended fabrics are nearly impossible to recycle and don't allow your skin to breathe in this sticky weather.
As residents of the monsoon belt, let's opt out of synthetic blends and return to pure cotton. You might feel a little swervy, but the comfort is unbeatable. It feels as if wind is crossing through you! Let's ditch the blended fabrics and embrace cotton this monsoon!