Q1. I want to keep a plant in my room/office but I’m clueless about how to choose?
Ans. Cacti are your best bet when it comes to being a beginner but remember cacti are not indoor plants. They can be kept on a window side desk or a well lit windowsill but not in a dark or artificially lit room. So, if you want to keep a plant away from window, you should explore leafy options. Going with a money plant or a snake plant would be a better option in that case.
Q2. How often should I water my plants?
Ans. There is a common misperception about watering plants that they should be watered every day. You must never water your plants on a schedule. Different plants have different watering requirements. Always check the soil of your plant with your fingers or by inserting a toothpick in it before watering. For desert plants, wait till the soil is bone dry but in the case of tropical plants, you should water them before the moisture completely runs out.
Q3. Do we get a free consultation and garden plan?
Ans. No, unless you are a Not-for-profit organization, school, hospital or relevant corporation
Q4. Why is my date palm not fruiting?
Ans. Dates need pollination often done through bats. Our cityscapes lack bats such as fruit bats and flying foxes which carry out this pollination. Furthermore, even if pollination does occur, high rainfall in Punjab is oftentimes not conducive to the development of mature date fruit.
Q5. How do I save my bulbs to replant for next season?
Most bulbs such as Freezia, Spyderlily, Acedenthra, Spyderlily, Daffodils and Lilium can be dug up after the leaves have mostly withered around March-April. They can be replanted in November. Other Bulbs such as crocus, hyacinth and gladiolus need cold forcing. This is a process of freezing a bulb to replicate real world harsh winter climate. Even though these process is doable in a regular freezer, doing so is tedious and most people resort to disposing these bulbs after a single bloom.
Q6. How to deal with the fruit fly epidemic for citrus, Loquat and Guava?
Hormone traps are useful if you can deploy multiple traps and keep refreshing them once they fill up. This is usually once every two weeks.
Q7. Are there any plants which grow in the dark?
Plants require a bare minimum level of sunlight to survive. There are some species which can survive on sparse daylight such as peace lily, pothos and snake plants.
Q8. Which is the easiest plant to grow?
In my experience, the easiest plants to grow are money plant (if you water sufficently), snake plant (if you don't overwater), and spiderplants (if you don’t give it too much Sun)