The world we create is a reflection of our inner worlds.
We were all once children, but many of us decided to leave no trace of our childhood as we entered adulthood. Such people prefer to live in boxes, unprovoked and indifferent to all that makes life wonderful. However, every now and then, we stumble upon people who didn't let their curiosity die. They seem to have discovered an invisible balloon that helps them soar above everyone else without having to climb the kafkaesque ladder of the social structure. It pesters the less heedful and the powerful, and they build walls of resentment around them, only to keep the curiosity at bay, which is contagious.
Young travelers like you and me, when passing through purgatory, come across two kinds of people. Those who make us want to stay in the hell of indifference and jadedness, and those who inspire us to take the lesser taken route of retaining our inner child who knows where it has come from and yearns to return to it, i.e., heaven.
But of course, they can not return. So they turn their lives into a constant struggle of turning this dwelling place called earth into a part of heaven for which they have an inherent yearning. Their stories become a thing to remember; some are cherished widely, but most are lost in time. Yet, it bears no burden on the decision that this seemingly lost battle of retaining one's curiosity and rediscovering the lost Paradise is worth it all. In fact, the oblivion only intensifies the motivation of such humans because they are built from different material.
In these pictures, you see two of those men. And if you look from the eye of the heart, you'll see many more who have crossed you in your life. I take this moment also to thank all my teachers who are not in this frame but have helped me rediscover my true self )فطرت as Naeem sb has returned his garden to its Fitrat.